Ambulance with MobiMed saving vital second

Saving vital seconds


A product suite designed to connect the prehospital care chain

Ambulance helping person after accident

Today, healthcare faces numerous challenges. Access to care, escalating costs, and the burden of chronic diseases rank among the most pressing concerns. To address these issues effectively, we require innovative solutions that boost efficiency and streamline workflows. MobiMed Unity play a pivotal role in ensuring high-quality healthcare delivery for the years to come.

MobiMed monitor at elderlys home with a nurse

With its unique features, MobiMed Unity facilitates advanced care outside of the hospital, whether in an ambulance or the comfort of a patient’s home. Remote care enhances accessibility by bringing healthcare services closer to the patient, increasing efficiency, and reducing travel time and expenses. Moreover, remote care enables timely interventions, resulting in quicker diagnosis and treatment, ultimately improving health outcomes.

Ambulance personal holding MobiMed monitor looking at a patient's vital signs

With MobiMed Unity, all stakeholders in the care chain can access real-time patient information. This ensures streamlined workflows, enabling remote consultation with medical experts and, when needed, immediate direction to the appropriate level of care. Additionally, it allows for pre-emptive treatment preparation before the patient reaches the hospital, enhancing efficiency and improving patient outcomes.

MobiMed Unity is a comprehensive suite designed for prehospital emergency care, offering a range of features such as integrated patient monitoring, secure communication, and intuitive documentation. With a focus on mobility, modularity, and user-friendliness, the system aims to elevate efficiency, safety and quality of care.

MobiMed monitor at Gotland

MobiMed Monitor

Real time monitoring and sharing of vital signs and ECG.

Electronic patient record for the ambulance

MobiMed ePR

Electronic patient record for efficient, intuitive documentation and smart decision support.

enroute navigation system installed in a car at the rescue service helping showing the way

MobiMed enRoute

Navigation, case management and mass casualty management.

Close-up of MobiMed FleetCtrl, which helps you take control of the vehicle fleet

MobiMed FleetCtrl

Regular controls, check lists and documentation tools for streamlined fleet management

MobiMed life placed on bridge to use in case of emergency.

MobiMed Life

Heart safe solutions with stand alone defibrillators.

Icon quote in the color white

You are the MedTech-company that offers the best customer focus and customer service. This benefits both the patient and the user. I have never experienced the with another supplier 

Fredrik Andersson
The Air Ambulance, Region Norrbotten
International presence

Together with our partners and local distributors can we streamline the ambulance services on a global level.

Map over active users and Ortivus users with text and high res
Ortivus MobiMed digital record system

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