Saving vital seconds
Heart safe solutions
A range of stand alone defibrillators
MobiMed Life comprises a range of standalone defibrillators, including Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) designed for public access, as well as manual defibrillators for advanced resuscitation.

Compact, robust and
intuitive defibrillator

CPR assistance

360 Joule

MobiMed Connect, communication
throughout the care chain
When every second counts
MobiMed Life – Totally integrated with the MobiMed suite
Advanced resuscitation in prehospital care
Ortivus delivers modular, user-friendly, and ergonomic solutions with a focus on quality and patient safety. With a stand alone defibrillator, it is possible for paramedics to bring only the required equipment, minimizing heavy lifting. Ortivus offers a variety of defibrillator models as adaptable modules tailored to the organization’s requirements. Data captured by the defibrillator is seamlessly transmitted to MobiMed Monitor and ePR for comprehensive analysis.

Clear voice instructions and guiding icons via display.
Real-time CPR assistance using metronome, compression velocity rendering and compression depth.

The defibrillator performs regular and automatic self-tests to ensure functionality and facilitate maintenance. It is also dust and water resistant developed according to IP55.

Voice messages, CPR settings, languages, defibrillation protocols, etc. can be customised via configuration tools.
Our other products

MobiMed Monitor
Real time monitoring and sharing of vital signs and ECG.

MobiMed ePR
Electronic patient record for efficient, intuitive documentation and smart decision support.

MobiMed enRoute
Navigation, case management and mass casualty management.

MobiMed FleetCtrl
Regular controls, check lists and documentation tools for streamlined fleet management.

Contact us
Would you like a demonstration? Or maybe have a question about our products? Fill in the form and one of our sales representatives will contact you as soon as possible. While you wait, you can read more about our products here