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Press Releases
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Ortivus signs exclusive distributor agreement with digital health company HealthCare Software
Read more: Ortivus signs exclusive distributor agreement with digital health company HealthCare SoftwareOrtivus AB and HealthCare Software (HCS) have entered into a collaboration through an exclusive distributor…
Ortivus receives MDR certificate
Read more: Ortivus receives MDR certificateWe are very proud to announce that Ortivus has been certified under the Medical Device…
Ortivus AB (publ) interim report for the period July – September 2023
Read more: Ortivus AB (publ) interim report for the period July – September 2023A challenging quarter concludes on a positive note with restored delivery pace and several new…
MobiMed ePR is live again after a prior cyber-attack impacting some UK customers
Read more: MobiMed ePR is live again after a prior cyber-attack impacting some UK customersWe are pleased to announce that MobiMed ePR, Ortivus’ electronic patient records system, has been…
Ortivus has entered into an agreement with its main owner regarding a bridge loan of 4.0 MSEK.
Read more: Ortivus has entered into an agreement with its main owner regarding a bridge loan of 4.0 MSEK.To strengthen the company’s liquidity position following the earlier cyber-attack, Ortivus has entered into an…
Ortivus’ President and CEO, Reidar Gårdebäck has decided to leave the company after nearly 5 years of service
Read more: Ortivus’ President and CEO, Reidar Gårdebäck has decided to leave the company after nearly 5 years of serviceReidar Gårdebäck will remain with the company until his replacement has been recruited, which is…
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service is upgrading its MobiMed system with new hardware
Read more: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service is upgrading its MobiMed system with new hardwareOrtivus is pleased to announce that the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) has chosen to…
The contract for the delivery of MobiMed to Region Jämtland Härjedalen has now been signed
Read more: The contract for the delivery of MobiMed to Region Jämtland Härjedalen has now been signedOn September 6, 2023, Ortivus was awarded a contract for the delivery of MobiMed enRoute…
Ortivus is awarded a strategically important contract on prehospital patient monitoring to Region Sörmland
Read more: Ortivus is awarded a strategically important contract on prehospital patient monitoring to Region SörmlandOrtivus has been awarded a contract for the delivery of equipment to Region Sörmlands’s ambulance…
Ortivus is awarded a contract for the delivery of MobiMed to Region Jämtland Härjedalen
Read more: Ortivus is awarded a contract for the delivery of MobiMed to Region Jämtland HärjedalenRegion Jämtland Härjedalen has chosen to award Ortivus a contract for the delivery of MobiMed…
Ortivus AB (publ) interim report for the period April – June 2023
Read more: Ortivus AB (publ) interim report for the period April – June 2023Expanding Ortivus’ product range with new applications.
Ortivus signs an agreement with the main shareholder covering a credit line of 8 MSEK
Read more: Ortivus signs an agreement with the main shareholder covering a credit line of 8 MSEKTo enhance the company’s liquidity, Ortivus has entered into an agreement with Ponderus Invest concerning…
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