Picture of Amir Kajinebaf that's working as a customer support engineer


Amir Kajinebaf is one of Ortivus’ Service and Support Engineers!

Meet Amir Kajinebaf, Service u0026 Support Engineer at Ortivus! Amir ensures the security of our systems, troubleshoots and assists in training and education of our software- and hardware solutions. He has been a part of the team since August 2022!

Amir feels that working with products that support medical experts is deeply rewarding. He aspires to break new grounds with innovative solutions and a stringent work ethic.

“We are very pleased to have Amir as a part of the team. Apart from his prior support experience, Amir’s IT infrastructure skills are a welcomed contribution to our own Inte
al IT.”
– says Jörgen Petersen, Service u0026 Support Manager at Ortivus